Love of the Land
Run Time: 90 min. Release Year: 2024
Join us for a special screening of the short film followed by a slide show and presentation by the filmmaker about how he came to know the subject of his film and the process involved in making it.
Local filmmaker Travis Van Alstyne will join us after the screening to talk about Romaine Tenney’s history and a behind the scenes look at how he created the film using a rotoscope animation technique, where you digitally draw/trace over video frame-by-frame.
Romaine Tenney was a Vermont farmer who was born in 1900. His farm was seized by eminent domain in the 1960s in order to build Interstate 91. He deeply loved his land, animals, and way of life. Sadly, the night before he was supposed to be off his land he set his farm animals free, burned his barns, and set his house on fire with himself barricaded inside. The film focuses on Romaine’s connection to his land, his sense of place, what progress means, and suicide prevention.